TEDx talk held at University of Baltimore’s campus.
TEDx University of Baltimore was a TEDx event organized by students in November 2017.
TEDx / University of Baltimore / Event
Art Direction / Packaging
• Designed digital and print materials to boost ticket sales prior to event
• Designed graphics, animations, and stage props for use during speaker’s presentations
• Designed press passes, t-shirts, and event themed promotional products for giveaways and “swag bags” for event guests.
In 2017, NRTHSTR™ founder Carlos Hamlin was approached along with fellow designer Cristian Griffin to work as art directors for University of Baltimore’s momentum themed TEDx event. Lead event organizer Chelsea explained the event needed marketing materials designed to help drive ticket sales. In addition to driving sales for the event, Chelsea explained her desires for the event to be filled with giveaways, networking opportunities, and live experiences for guests. While TEDx already has strong brand guidelines for type and color that were easily implemented in designs, representing the event’s theme “momentum” visually present us with a challenge that we explored for weeks before designing.
After many designs discussions , sketches, and drafts, Cristian and I were able to create icons, imagery, patterns, and other design elements we felt represented the event thematically. After approval on these elements, we then spent two months designing flyers, posters, and digital advertisements for the events marketing as well as programs, press badges, shirts, notebooks, pens, water bottles, and key lanyards for guests. Various animated graphics and slides were also created to be used on stage during each speakers’ presentation. After final approval and production of all event materials, Cristian and I stayed onboard, helping the event team run audio, set up cameras, and hand out “swag bags” to the event’s sold out audience on the day of the event.